A Rare Jewel

By Rev. Nathan King Walking into the parking lot after our mid-week Bible study on Wednesday morning, Earl was about to ride off on his bike to eat lunch with the rest of the group. The discussion on The Triumph of Christianity by Bart Erhman had been lively to say the least. There were about a dozen of […]

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Prayer In the Aftermath

Rev. Nathan King Interim Disaster Representative, UCC WNCA  O Holy One, you who have given us life, and breath, and being, and you who have sustained our lives with the the gift of your comforting and mighty presence, we give thanks that this storm called Florence has now passed. We now find ourselves in the […]

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Without Power!

by Rev. Nathan King As hurricane Florence now begins lashing the coastal margins of North and South Carolina, I hope you have/had the luxury of making preparations to stay safe. Theresa and I bought a few groceries in case we lose power. We are fortunate to have a gas stove and could still cook should […]

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Hurricane Preparedness Guide

Hurricane Florence is expected to make landfall late Thursday/early Friday. This FEMA guide will help you be prepared and safe. https://www.ready.gov/hurricanes

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Weekly Reflection from Pastor Nathan King When I was growing up, dry cereal that you eat with milk was a novelty. Of course I immediately took a liking to Fruit Loops, although it was usually Corn Flakes that mom bought. My dad had a habit of putting pieces of banana in his and he liked […]

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