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Please contact the Pastor directly by text or phone with prayer requests. Pastor Nathan will be prudent in offering prayers i.e. “For First name only, in need of healing”; “For First name only, comfort in grief” etc. Please contact the pastor directly with news of those needing extra pastoral care.


The Way for Worship at  Trinity United Church of Christ

December 24, 2022                                                          7:00pm

“This Most Wondrous of Nights”
Christmas Eve Communion with Candlelight Service

*Gathering Music       O Come, O Come, Emmanuel      vs. 1-5           NCH 116



Centering Music                In The Bleak Midwinter                  Joseph Martin

A Reading from the Writings                              Isaiah 9:2-7


Lighting of Advent Wreath

Leader: Holy One, we give you thanks for your presence among us
in Jesus, your Child, born into a poor family Christ has entered our lives,
and embraced our hope and our struggle; showing forth the power of your love in healing, teaching and challenging the powers of the world that lead to death.
With confidence in your faithfulness, we welcome your beloved Child in our midst. May we see this great light!
People: God be with us in the Light of Christ.

Advent Reponse                                      Light This Candle
Light this candle to welcome Messiah
Let the light banish darkness.
Christ now coming, shout the glad tidings;
Let your lights show the pathway.

Reading of the Birth Story                             Luke 2:1-20

Anthem                                                              Who Will Make Him Welcome

Meditation                       Welcome!                      Rev. Nathan King

Hymn of Gladness                       O Little Town of Bethlehem                      NCH 133

Offering our Gifts                   Away in a Manger                      arr. Joseph Martin

Prayer of Dedication and Communion Prayer
God be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.

Leader: God of all times and places, we gather at your table of grace to recall your vision of hope for all people and for your world. Through Sarah and Abraham, you revealed your promise in the surprise of a child. Through your prophets, you called your people to make way for peace and justice. In Jesus, you revealed your way of forgiveness and love. Through the ever-circling year, your Word discloses to us—again and anew—your promise for the restoration of all creation.

As we gather to share this sign of hope and fulfillment, we remember Jesus, the child born into obscurity, amid fear and uncertainty. We remember the fragility of that revelation, as well as the hope he stirred and imagination he inspired, and we sing…

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
snow had fallen, snow on snow; snow on snow.
in the bleak midwinter, long ago.

We remember Jesus, the One who blazed a new and risky path of extravagant generosity and of passionate concern: temple-shaker, world- maker, rule-breaker, risk-taker; the author and finisher of our faith. We remember Jesus’ self-giving love and the offer of himself for others, even those who gave him over to death, and we sing…

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
snow had fallen, snow on snow; snow on snow.
in the bleak midwinter, long ago.

We remember Jesus, the One who blazed a new and risky path of extravagant generosity and of passionate concern: temple-shaker, world- maker, rule-breaker, risk-taker; the author and finisher of our faith. We remember Jesus’ self-giving love and the offer of himself for others, even those who gave him over to death, and we sing…

Our God, heaven cannot hold him, nor earth sustain;
heaven and earth shall flee away when he comes to reign;
in the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed
the Lord God almighty, Jesus Christ.

On that night, in the midst of great confusion and fear, Jesus broke bread with friends, saying, “This is my body, which I give for you and for all. When you do this, remember me.”
With a blessing, he took the cup and offered it to them saying: “This cup is God’s covenant which is given for all. When you drink this, remember me.”

Enough for him, whom cherubim worship night and day,
a breast full of milk, and a manger full of hay.
Enough for him, whom angels fall down before,
the ox and ass and camel which adore.

Come to us, life-giving Spirit of God. Bless us, these gifts, and what we do here, so that we might sing your song of love for your people and for your world.


Prayers of the People

God of All, we pray for your people.
For those who are afraid and oppressed, may you give courage.
For those suffering conflict and fear, may you bring peace.
For those who long for food and water, may they be filled.
For those who long for justice, may it be fulfilled.

Hear our prayers, O God, and in your mercy, answer.

We pray also for ourselves and our community.
That those in hospital and in care feel your strength.
That those who are alone and anxious feel you near.
That those who are ill in body and in spirit be comforted.
That our friends and family be blessed by healing and love.
Hear our prayers, O God, and in your mercy, answer.

We pray these things, trusting in God’s faithfulness revealed:
Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

What can I give him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb,
if I were a wise one I would do my part;
yet what I can I give him—I give my heart.

(Come forward by the center aisle to receive Holy Communion. The wafers are gluten free. The cup is unfortified. Take a wafer and a cup. Eat and drink. Receptacles for cups are provided at the outer aisles where you can pick up a candle for the candle lighting. Return standing around the perimeter of the room).

Prayer for Hope
Leader: Let us pray together
All: God of shepherds and royalty, you gather us by the light of the star of promise.
You lead us not only to hope for the future, but to trust in your presence and renewal of life in every time and place. Guide us this night, by the light of that same star.
Lead us to the mangers of this world, where uncertainty is met with the renewal of life
and the transformation of this world is most deeply felt in love, one with another.
Be with us on this most wondrous of nights. Let the light return. We ask in Jesus’ name.

Hymn of Light               Silent Night, Holy Night                       (words on screen)


With gratitude for the liturgy of tonight’s service:
—Rev. Andrew O’Neil,
St. Paul’s United Church, Riverview, NB

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from OneLicense with license #A714152




Celebrations in December

25 Joann S.
27 Michelle C.
28 Sarah N.
30 Jim & Danielle



In Need of Prayers

– Family of Madorin
– Bob’s Dad
– Ashleigh’s grandmother
– Pat L.
– Helena’s dad
– Ralf T.
– Antonio
– Cindy R.
– Rev. Alan M.
– Revs. Jerry and Marion
– Raleigh NC
– Palestine/Israel
– Ukraine/Russia



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