Join us online live at 11am on Sunday at

A caution regarding Prayers of the People online: Folks gathered in-person often recount a lot of detail in their prayers concerning other members or family (“Elderly Name, living alone, experiencing isolation…”). In a private, in-person gathering, this information may be safe, but online, it can expose vulnerable people to harm, since we can’t control who will join the gathering or access it later online. Please contact the Pastor directly by text or phone with prayer requests. Pastor Nathan will be prudent in offering prayers i.e. “For First name only, in need of healing”; “For First name only, comfort in grief” etc. Please contact the pastor directly with news of those needing extra pastoral care.


The Way for Worship at Trinity United Church of Christ

November 21, 2021                                                                      11:00 a.m.

Gathering Music                    Come, O Thankful People, Come                             NCH 422

Greeting and Announcements

Centering Music and lighting of altar candles                          Now Thank We All Out God

Responsive Intent

Friends, grace to you and peace from the One who is and who was and who is to come.
And also to you!
We gather in the love of Christ to be centred and stilled.
We open our hearts to receive anew.
We open our hearts to the mercy of Christ, who is our healing and wholeness.
We open our minds to receive anew.
We open our ears to the wisdom of Christ, who is our grounding and inspiration.
We open our lives to receive anew.  

Hymn                                   Jesus Shall Reign                                                         NCH 300

Morning Prayer Concerns and Celebrations
Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer
Our Mother-Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.


Hearing the Sacred Word

Anthem                       God of Great and God of Small                            by Natalie Sleeth

Sermon                           The Truth of the Matter                                      Rev. Nathan King
A Reading from the Revelation of John                      Revelation 1:4b-8
A Reading from the Gospels                                          John 18:33-38a

Giving of Our Gifts to God

Invitation to Offering

Offertory  and Bringing of Our Gifts

Praise Response                                                    Doxology

Prayer of Dedication


Going Forth with Good News

Chiming of the Trinity                          (In the name of the Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit)


Closing Song                                                            Praise the Lord Together, singing Alleluia!


Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from OneLicense with license #A714152




Celebrations in November

22  Talent
23  Natalia
28  Michael


Prayer Concerns

– Justin
– Angela
– Leslie’s sister-in-law
– Friend of ours – Jennifer
– Kenneth R. and Kitty
– Jimmy A. father and brother
– Ron’s family
– Deborah N.’s daughter
– Loren & Emily
– Audrey M.
– Jimmy’s dad, and Jimmy
– Revs. Jerry and Marion R.
– Jim and Mary Barbara
– Lisa G.
– Pat L.
– David M.
– Ron C.



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