June 22, 2019 by Pastor Nathan King
“Love comes from God. Everyone who loves is a child of God.” It’s in the Bible.
At Trinity we get a lot of criticism from so-called Christians about our love, acceptance, support for, and outright embrace of, LGBTQ people. My response to that is pretty simple: we follow the ways and teachings of Jesus. For Jesus the greatest commandment (based in his Jewish faith) was: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.
Nearly 10 years ago, our church in Concord, NC voted as a congregation to be Open and Affirming (ONA) of LGBTQ people. We did that because we’re called to love everyone, especially the ones who are marginalized by society. Unfortunately, many churches also marginalize LGBTQ people by insisting God can forgive them. At Trinity, we believe LGBTQ, (as well as hetro– and cis– :)) people are all created in God’s image and there is nothing sinful about it.
At Trinity, we believe ALL persons are created in the image of God, and are worthy of respect, love, embrace, and full support. That means you! That means no matter who you are, where you are on life’s journey, no matter who you love, or how you identify, we welcome you into the full life, mission, and ministries of our loving congregation.
Come check us out and join us in spreading these radical messages of love!
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