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Please contact the Pastor directly by text or phone with prayer requests. Pastor Nathan will be prudent in offering prayers i.e. “For First name only, in need of healing”; “For First name only, comfort in grief” etc. Please contact the pastor directly with news of those needing extra pastoral care.


The Way for Worship at  Trinity United Church of Christ

December 18, 2022        Fourth Sunday of Advent         11am

*Gathering Music                  O Come, O Come Emmanuel           verses 1 & 7                     NCH 116

Greeting and Announcements                            Rev. Dr. Cathy Cook

Centering Music and lighting of altar candles

*Responsive Intent
One: Our souls magnify the Lord.
Our spirits rejoice in God our Savior!
All: We come today with eager hope, awaiting God’s new revelation.
One: The mighty One has done great things! God’s mercy covers generations.
All: We come today with ready peace, trusting with anticipation.
One: The One who lifted up the lowly And filled the hungry, dwells with us.
All: We come today with fervent joy, we worship with great expectation.
(Inspired by Luke 1:46b-55, The Magnificat)

Anthem             Let it Be/Magnificat                                   Lemon/McCartney/Lipe
Paraphrase of Modern Magnificat by Joy Cowley

Lighting of the Advent Candle                     Joy

Introduction/Scripture John 15:9-11

Leader: Soon we shall celebrate the birth of Jesus;
We worship God with joy in our hearts as we are reminded of the words the angel said on that first Christmas Day: “Behold I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people.”

As my Ab-ba’ has loved me, so have I loved you. Live on in my love.
And you will live on in my love if you keep my commandments, just as I live on in Ab-ba’ God’s love and have kept God’s commandments. I tell you all this that my joy may be yours, and your joy may be complete.

Advent Illumination          Light One Candle                  trad. Yiddish, Wayne Wold, lyrics

Lighting of the Candle – Joy
Leader: We light this candle to proclaim the coming of the light of God into the world. With the coming of this light there is joy, joy that is ours not only at Christmas but always.

Leader: O Holy One, as Christmas draws near; there is a sense of excitement in the air. We can feel joy in our lives and see it in those around us. Still, for some of us this is a sad time because of unhappy things that have happened in our lives. Help us to have the joy that does not depend on earthly happiness but on you. Help us to be filled with your joy so that we may share it with a joyless world.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.
All: Amen.

*Advent Hymn                     With Joy Draw Water                           NCH 109


Praying for All

Morning Prayer Concerns and Celebrations
Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer
Prayer Response: In Your mercy, hear our prayers. May there be healing, wholeness, and joy.
Our Mother-Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kindom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kindom, and the power, and the glory, forever.



Hearing the Sacred Word

Anthem                       Who Will Make Him Welcome
words /music Fred Pratt Green, arr. Lloyd Larson

A Reading from the Gospels                         Matthew 1:18-25

Anthem                          Like A Child
words/music Don Damon, arr. David Cherwien

Sermon                     Joy to the World                          Rev. Nathan King



Giving of Our Gifts to God

Invitation to Offering

Offertory and Bringing of Our Gifts        

Instrumental                                         Joy to the World                               arr.  Mark Kellner

Praise Anthem             How Great Our Joy          trad. Christmas Carol arr. Hugo Jungst  Chancel Choir

Prayer of Dedication



Going Forth with Good News

*Chiming of the Trinity                       (In the name of the Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit)


*Closing Song          La Paz
El amor se-a contigo
El amor se-a contigo
May God’s love go with you, now and forever
El amor se-a contigo

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from OneLicense with license #A714152




Celebrations in December

20 Michael & Sara F.



In Need of Prayers

– Family of Madorin
– Bob’s Dad
– Ashleigh’s grandmother
– Pat L.
– Helena’s dad
– Ralf T.
– Antonio
– Cindy R.
– Rev. Alan M.
– Revs. Jerry and Marion
– Raleigh NC
– Palestine/Israel
– Ukraine/Russia


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