From Pastor Nathan and Bill Stanley, Consistory President
Trinity UCC is responding to the current outbreak of corona virus COVID-19. Our plan currently is to continue with weekly services — Sunday school, Sunday worship, choir, and community meals — using proper precautions. (See weekly email for many practical tips from Megan Hall, RN, BSN).
Theologically, we know we are, as followers of Jesus, called to care for those most in need. Remember he touched those with leprosy without judgment. Because we do serve a very vulnerable population with our meals and our services, we will continue our monthly meals USING PROPER PRECAUTIONS for handling food and serving. We will also continue our weekly services.
Practically, what that means is:
- we wear gloves and wash our hands after touching our face
- it means we use elbows, or warm and friendly bows, rather than hugs
- it also means if you are part of a high risk population for this virus, take care of yourself first. We want you to be around for a long time still. And we’ll honor your wisdom about whether you need to be present in body and/or in spirit.
Already, this past Wednesday, ALL doorknobs, lightswitches, drawer pulls, air freshener buttons, soap dispensers, keypads, etc. have been washed with warm soapy water followed by sanitizer solution of bleach and water. We will do this every Sunday morning at 8:30 and on Wednesdays at 5pm. (We could use some help with this and we will give you instructions first).
Now, what about Sunday services? Yes, we will have them for those who can come using the above practical precautions. We will also livestream the entire service each Sunday via Facebook Live on our Trinity Facebook Page. You’ll need to “like” and “follow” our page to get the stream. Go to: We will suspend the sacrament of Holy Communion until Holy Week (or later if good practices mean not having it). Be patient with us on this please. We’re not completely prepared yet to work out all the glitches.
How to give your financial offering. Remember, your financial offering is important for our ministries. So keep those coming while you’re watching from home, or not able to be here. SCROLL ABOVE and click the Donate/Tithe Button. Or, use this link to give your offering: You can also mail in your checks to Trinity at 38 Church Street NE, Concord, NC 28025.
And of course, we will be praying constantly for our world as we together affirm our common lot and do what is necessary to limit the spread of this virus. Thank you for your presence in body and/or in spirit as we go forward.
Keep checking back regularly and check our Facebook page frequently as updates will come as changes are needed (link above).
On behalf of Consistory and
In Christ,
Bill Stanley, Consistory President Rev. J. Nathan King, Pastor
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