by Rev. Nathan King

The garden we fenced off (finally last year) and planted this past spring was going great. That is until we went away for a week of vacation in July.

We returned from our trip to find, well…not much of anything really. The deer had apparently been inside and munched off all the okra as well as beans. There were signs of burrowing under the gate which we attributed to the groundhog who ate the tomatoes, and probably the squash and cucumbers. Do they eat veggies??

It was disheartening. All that work — the preparation, planting, weeding, fertilizing, more weeding, watering — in vain. We were depressed about it. It took us days really to even go back out there. What’s the use? It was hopeless.

When you put so much heart into something, then have it stolen, or see it wither,  well that makes trying again risky. You may end up having your heart broken again.

Sometimes we pour ourselves into a relationship with someone we love, or with a project we are given. When we don’t see results i.e. a positive response from the other person, group, or superior, our hope falls and it becomes harder to give our hearts again.

I think of Jesus and the disciples. They never seem to understand the essential elements of his teachings. It must have been disheartening for him. Yet, he never gave up on them and eventually they understood. But it took time.

That garden is coming back. Yesterday we actually got enough beans to cook for a meal’s side dish. The okra has rebloomed and the tomatoes, with a little watering are showing signs of life too. Nature always amazes me with its heart, often much stronger than mine. Nature never stops giving. Never stops believing.

I hope you find time today to renew your energy and give your heart without reservation to God’s call in your life. And think about putting your heart into the ministries at Trinity.


Pastor Nathan

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